QUOTE V1.6 ½1992 Gareth Blades The programs and documentation are copyright ½1992 Gareth Blades. They may be distributed by anyone as long as this document and both programs are unaltered. The quote files are not copyrighted and may be changed and redistributed with this program. All I ask is that a text file also be distributed stating what the new/changed files are. I would also appreciate receiving any new quote files anybody creates. Distribution QUOTE.TTP - The main quote program. QUOTE.CFG - An example configuration file. QUOTE.TXT - This document. QUOTES - Directory of various quote files. QUOTE Prints a random quote to the screen. SYNTAX quote [switches] [quote files] The switches can be any of the following :- -c Clear the screen before printing the quote. -h Displays a help screen. -r Consider the rest of the arguments to be a list of quote files. One of the files is chosen randomly to work on. -p Create a pointer file for the quote file specified or if no file is specified the default 'quote' one is assumed. The quote file specified should be the next parameter after the '-p' option. If the '-r' switch is used then there must be at least one quote file specified. If no quote file is specified then the quote file from the configuration file is used if present. Otherwise the default quote file 'quote' is used. The program has been compiled to work with all 680xx processors. FILE FORMAT The quote files have the extension '.QTE' and the pointer files which are created by the option '-p' have the extension '.PTR'. The .QTE file format has been designed to make the creation and editing of quote files easy. The quote file is simply a list of quotes with a line containing just a hash (#) character as a separator between each quote. At the end of the file there must be the normal '#' separator followed by '#END' on the next line. After you have created your own quote file you simply run QUOTE using the '-p' option and give the name of your quote file (as always omitting the extension) to the program and it will automatically create the pointer file for it. CONFIGURATION FILE The configuration file is called 'QUOTE.CFG'. The file does not need to exist but if it does then the quote program will read the file word by word and try to make sense of what it contains. If a line contains '-c' then the screen is cleared. If a line does not start with a '-' then it is assumed that this line contains the filename of the quote file to be used (This file can be overruled by putting a name of a quote file on the command line). BUGS The random number routine works by taking the time and modulousing that with the number of quotes to get the random quote to be printed. This is good enough for computers with built in clocks but if it is being used in the bootup sequence for computers without clocks then the same few quotes will always be printed. Gareth Blades 157 Stubbington Avenue North End Portsmouth Hants PO2 0JQ